Our Inspiration
At Ashwasan, we wanted to find a unique strategy to tackle the lack of access to healthcare that many locals are facing in Waghai, Gujarat. Instead of following a traditional route to raising funds, we decided to utilize the strengths of the communities that we are helping. Waghai locals are known for their beautiful traditional art pieces. Ashwasan supplies them with raw materials to support their artistry, and then we display it online and use 100% of the proceeds for medical camps, and buying more raw materials.

Our Mission
“Ashwasan strives to decrease health inequities in rural India by funding medical camps for impoverished communities and educating them on healthy lifestyles.

Our Name
Ashwasan (aash-waa-sun) is a word in Hindi that means assurance and faith. We chose it because we want our organization to protect people's health and insure that they have access to the care they deserve.
We hope our name invokes feelings of trust in our patients and make them feel safe in our care

Dangi art is traditionally made from bamboo (vaans in Gujarati). We survey the locals on what materials they require and then purchase and transport them to each artist.